IV Therapy in Willoughby Hills & Cleveland, OH

IV Therapy in Willoughby Hills & Cleveland, OH

IV Therapy

Taking care of your health and feeling your best sometimes requires more than just traditional nutrition, skincare, and exercise routines. At times, your body needs additional support to function optimally and maintain its well-being. IV therapy can offer a direct way to replenish your body’s essential nutrients and hydrate effectively.

At Aesthetic Essentials, we recognize the importance of supporting your body’s health beyond conventional methods. Through our IV therapy in Cleveland and Willoughby Hills, OH, we can support your immune system, boost energy levels, improve hydration, and much more to give you a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.

What Is IV Therapy?

IV therapy, or intravenous therapy, is a method that we use to bring nutrients, vitamins, and medications quickly into your bloodstream. This method enables you to get these nutrients without having to process them in your digestive system, which can allow for faster and more efficient absorption than trying to get them through diet or supplements alone. It is also used to hydrate the body, restore nutrient deficiencies, and support overall health.

How Does IV Therapy Work?

During IV therapy, a small tube called a catheter is inserted into a vein, usually in the arm, to administer a fluid mixture. This mixture can be adjusted depending on the health needs, and it contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The direct delivery into the bloodstream allows for immediate effects with rapid hydration and nutrient replenishment.

What Are the Benefits of IV Therapy?

  • Fast Hydration: Proper hydration is important for maintaining overall health. IV hydration therapy quickly replenishes your body’s fluid levels which can ward off symptoms of acute or chronic dehydration such as headaches and fatigue.
  • Faster Recovery After Exercise: Muscle repair and recovery are expedited, allowing you to return to your fitness routine sooner. This is due to the direct delivery of nutrients and electrolytes through IV vitamin therapy.
  • Improved Immune System: With intravenous therapy, your body receives a higher concentration of the vitamins you need to fight pathogens, enhancing your immune response and helping you to fend off illnesses more effectively.
  • Improved Skin, Hair, and Nails: Nourishing your body from the inside out, vitamin IV therapy delivers antioxidants and vitamins directly to your cells, promoting healthier skin, stronger nails, and more lustrous hair.
  • Faster Recovery After Illness: Recuperating from sickness such as a stomach virus can be expedited, as IV vitamin therapy aids in quickly restoring lost hydration and nutrients and boosting your body’s healing mechanisms.
  • Improved Weight Loss Results: Integrating IV treatments can complement your weight loss journey by enhancing your metabolism and aiding in the removal of toxins from your body while you focus on lifestyle and dietary changes.

Our IV Infusions

Drip Immunity

Our Drip Immunity infusion is the perfect option for those who want to support their immune systems to prevent or treat illness and strengthen their bodies. This infusion contains a blend of antioxidants, nutrients, B vitamins, and minerals to help your body fight illness and maintain optimal health year-round. Both healthy patients and those with weakened immune systems qualify for this treatment.

Drip Lipo Suction

Drip Lipo Suction is a treatment designed to help burn stubborn fat. It contains a blend of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fat-burning ingredients that will increase your metabolism to support metabolic rate and healthy fat loss. It’s the perfect IV Treatment to add to your weight loss program and will work alongside your healthy diet and exercise routine to help you reach your physique goals.

Drip Hydration

Many factors can contribute to dehydration, including not drinking enough water, excessive exercise or sports competitions, diet, exposure to hot environments, hangovers, and traveling. Regardless of why your body requires more fluids, Drip Hydration is the perfect infusion to add to your health and wellness routine to give your body fluids to perform optimally. Hydrating the body can also help alleviate the symptoms associated with dehydration, like fatigue, nausea, and headaches.

Drip Athlete

Drip Athlete is a powerful infusion specifically designed for athletes. It helps improve athletic performance, promotes enhanced recovery, and can energize and hydrate the body to ensure you’re ready to perform.

Drip Pure Glutathione

Drip Pure Glutathione is a glutathione infusion. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that delivers anti-aging benefits. It helps improve the skin, promotes optimal health and wellness, and can help reduce inflammation. It also promotes increased energy levels, improves mental clarity, and helps the body fight off environmental toxins while improving sleep quality.

Drip Beauty

Drip Beauty is an infusion designed to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. It contains the essential nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals that promote skin, hair, and nail health. If you want a healthy glow and need to hydrate and revitalize your complexion, this infusion will help hydrate from the inside out. It’s a perfect treatment to schedule before a special event to help promote healthy and glowing skin.

Drip Hangover

Drip Hangover is specifically designed for the patient suffering from the effects of a hangover. Alcohol dehydrates the body, leading to negative symptoms like headaches, muscle tightness, nausea, and fatigue. Our Drip Hangover infusion will help you recover from a hangover quickly and get back to your normal life.

Drip De-Stress

Work deadlines, a busy lifestyle, and many other factors can cause stress. Stress negatively impacts the body and can lead to many negative physical and emotional symptoms. Drip De-Stress is an infusion designed to give the body what it needs to recover from stress. The hydrating infusion contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to energize and hydrate the system and ward off the effects of stress.

Drip Recovery

Hydration and the right combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are essential for everyone, but they’re even more important for those who engage in sports competitions or strenuous workouts. Our Drip Recovery infusion is perfect for patients recovering from strenuous activity and workouts to continue making fitness and athletic gains without feeling drained, depleted, or overworked.

Clinical Studies for Cancer Therapy

New IV Memberships

Silver Gold Platinum
1 IV per month
1 IV per month
21 IVs per month
3 IVs per month
% Off additional IVs and add-ons
10% off in-office injections
Monthly Free B-12
Friends with Benefits Day
Membership Appreciation Day
30% off
Invitation to Happy Hour Wednesdays
Invitation to Funtastic Fridays

Membership Appreciation Day twice per year

Friends with benefits – a family member or friend who has never been to the office with same benefits for that day as member

Happy Hour Wednesdays with discounts

Funtastic Fridays with discounts

FAQs About IV Therapy

An IV drip therapy session typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the type of therapy. During this time, you can relax, read, or use your phone as your body receives hydration and nutrients.

Results from IV treatments can be felt almost immediately, with many patients reporting feeling more energized and refreshed within hours. However, the full effects can vary based on individual health factors. You may need to wait a couple of days to experience the effects or even schedule several sessions. 

Almost anyone can be a good candidate for IV nutrient therapy. It is especially good for those who are looking to improve overall wellness, recover from strenuous activities, or recover from an illness. A consultation with us is the first step to finding out if it’s right for you.

Some might benefit from weekly sessions, while others might schedule sessions according to specific needs. The frequency of IV infusion therapy depends on your individual health goals, so it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most beneficial schedule for your unique situation.

Support and Improve Your Health With an IV Therapy Treatment Plan

IV therapy is an effective way to support and enhance your well-being, offering benefits that can meet a variety of health and wellness aims. At Aesthetic Essentials we serve individuals in and around Willoughby Hills and Cleveland, OH, providing access to essential IV therapy options that cater to your specific health goals. For more details or to create a plan that’s right for you, fill out our online form or reach out to us at (440) 278-4440.

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