
How PRP Microneedling With Rejuvapen Can Reduce Acne Scars

A few acne scars on the face may be virtually unnoticeable. But if you have suffered through severe acne in the past and you have dozens of lingering scars, it can affect the texture of your skin. The best acne scar treatments are those that help the skin to remodel and heal, improving texture and skin health from the inside out.

At Aesthetic Essentials in Willoughby Hills, OH, we offer several treatments that can be used in tandem to directly target acne scars. By using PRP serum from your blood along with microneedling with Rejuvapen to help it penetrate deeper into the skin, we can reduce even more severe forms of acne scarring. We would love to help you learn more about this treatment and whether your skin could benefit.

How Does Acne Cause Scarring?

Acne scarring occurs when the skin undergoes trauma due to severe acne. When acne breaks through the skin, it damages the tissue beneath it. As the body tries to repair this damage, it produces collagen, a protein that aids in cell growth and rejuvenation. However, if the body produces too much or too little collagen during the healing process, scars can form. Overproduction results in raised scars, while underproduction leads to depressed scars.

What Types of Acne Cause Scarring?

  • Cystic Acne: This severe form of acne penetrates deep into the skin, causing damage to the tissue beneath.
  • Nodular Acne: Similar to cystic acne, nodular acne also reaches deep layers of the skin but is generally harder in texture.
  • Inflammatory Acne: This includes types like papules and pustules, which are inflamed and can also lead to scarring if not properly treated.

Different Types of Acne Scars

  • Boxcar Scars: Shallow or deep, these scars have well-defined edges.
  • Rolling Scars: These scars give the skin a wave-like appearance due to their wide and shallow depth.
  • Ice Pick Scars: Narrow and deep, these scars appear like small puncture holes in the skin.
  • Keloid Scars: Resulting from an overproduction of collagen, these scars are raised above the skin level and grow larger over time.
  • Hypertrophic Scars: Similar to keloid scars but less aggressive, these remain within the boundary of the original acne lesion.

What Is PRP?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a concentration of platelets in plasma from your own blood. It’s rich in growth factors and proteins that facilitate healing and tissue regeneration. PRP can be used as an acne scar treatment both on its own and in conjunction with other types of treatments.

How Does It Work for Acne Scars?

PRP promotes acne scar removal by stimulating collagen production and cellular turnover. When used on areas that have acne scars, the growth factors in PRP can accelerate the healing process and improve the texture of your skin. PRP helps to create a framework for new, healthy skin to grow, leading to a reduction in the depth and severity of the scars over time.

What Is Microneedling With Rejuvapen?

Microneedling with Rejuvapen involves the use of a specialized device that has multiple fine needles to create little puncture wounds on the skin’s surface. The aim is to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, including collagen production and skin renewal. Rejuvapen enhances the effectiveness of traditional microneedling by offering adjustable needle depth and a more precise application, which can be tailored to individual skin concerns.

How Does It Work for Acne Scars?

When it comes to microneedling for acne scars, the punctures made by the Rejuvapen initiate a natural, controlled inflammatory response within your skin. This encourages the production of collagen and elastin, vital components for skin strength and elasticity. As new skin replaces the damaged tissue, acne scars begin to fade, giving way to smoother and more even-textured skin.

What Is PRP With Microneedling?

Combining PRP with microneedling takes the treatment to another level. Microneedling with PRP involves applying PRP over the areas of the skin that have been treated. The tiny punctures act as channels allowing the PRP to penetrate more deeply into the skin. This amplifies the skin’s natural regeneration capabilities, making it a good option for addressing various skin imperfections, including acne scars.

What to Expect During Treatment Prep

Before undergoing microneedling with PRP, we recommend that you avoid sun exposure and certain skincare products that can sensitize your skin. On the day of treatment, a topical anesthetic is applied to the area for increased comfort. If you’re opting for PRP microneedling, your blood will be drawn and processed to prepare the platelet-rich plasma, enhancing the acne scar removal process.

What to Expect From the Treatment

The Rejuvapen device will be used to create microscopic punctures in the target areas of your skin. For those focusing on microneedling acne scars, extra attention will be given to the scarred areas. If you’re also doing PRP, the plasma is applied to the skin immediately after microneedling to optimize the effects.

What to Expect From Recovery and Results

After the treatment, you may notice some redness and slight swelling, similar to a mild sunburn. These symptoms usually subside within a couple of days. Microneedling for acne scars often requires multiple sessions for best results, and you can expect gradual improvements in your skin’s texture and appearance over the coming weeks.

Regain Smooth, Clear Skin With Acne Scar Treatments

If you’ve been searching for an effective way to address acne scars, microneedling with PRP can be a compelling option. At Aesthetic Essentials in Willoughby Hills, OH, we specialize in providing treatments that can help improve your skin’s appearance. Many consider it one of the best acne scar treatments available today. To learn more about how we can help you achieve clearer, smoother skin, reach out to us using our online form or call us at (440) 278-4440.

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