EMSCULPT NEO® in Willoughby Hills & Cleveland, OH

At Aesthetic Essentials, we proudly offer EMSCULPT NEO, a cutting-edge solution in non-invasive body contouring, to our patients in Willoughby Hills and Cleveland, OH. This innovative treatment stands at the forefront of technology and is designed to sculpt and redefine your physique without downtime. EMSCULPT NEO harnesses a unique combination of radiofrequency and electromagnetic energies to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. Our choice to incorporate EMSCULPT NEO into our suite of services is driven by its effectiveness and efficiency, providing a dual approach to body sculpting that traditional methods cannot match. 


EMSCULPT NEO is a treatment that contours and sculpts the body to help eliminate stubborn fat cells while simultaneously increasing muscle tone. It uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and high-intensity, focused electromagnetic energy to redefine the body. Treatments are quick and effective and can destroy stubborn fat cells while strengthening the muscles to improve the appearance of the treatment area.

What It Treats

EMSCULPT NEO can treat several different body areas, including the arms, calves, buttocks, and abdomen. It can help patients lose fat and build muscle simultaneously.

How It Works

The treatment uses both radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to target and break down stubborn fat cells while also improving muscle tone. Once the device is applied to the treatment area, it will use two therapies during one treatment process. The radiofrequency energy heats fat cells to a temperature at which they can no longer survive. Then, the fat cells break down, and the body eliminates them in the months following treatment.

The high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy forces the muscles into powerful contractions, much stronger than the type of contractions your muscles experience during a typical workout, which helps build, tone, and contour the area. Those who undergo this treatment can expect up to a 25% increase in muscle growth and up to a 30% decrease in fat volume.

Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO

Dual Fat Reduction and Muscle Building

EMSCULPT NEO uniquely combines radiofrequency heating and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM+). This synergy melts away fat and significantly enhances muscle mass, offering a dual benefit unattainable with most other treatments.

Non-Invasive Treatment

The non-invasive nature of EMSCULPT NEO ensures there are no incisions, anesthesia, or scars. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment, making it an ideal option for those with a busy lifestyle.

No Downtime Required

Unlike surgical body contouring options, EMSCULPT NEO requires no downtime. This allows patients to resume their regular activities immediately, seamlessly integrating the treatment into their routine.

Safe and Effective

EMSCULPT NEO has been rigorously tested and proven to be safe and effective. Its technology is cleared by the FDA, providing patients with peace of mind and assurance of its capabilities.

Customizable Treatments

EMSCULPT NEO’s adaptability allows treatments to be tailored to individual needs and goals. Whether targeting the abdomen, buttocks, arms, or legs, it offers customized solutions for body sculpting.

Quick Sessions

Each EMSCULPT NEO session takes approximately 30 minutes. This efficiency makes it easier for patients to fit treatments into their schedules, even during a lunch break.

Consistent Results

Patients who undergo EMSCULPT NEO treatments consistently report noticeable improvements. The combination of fat reduction and muscle enhancement delivers results that meet and often exceed expectations.

Long-Lasting Outcomes

With a proper lifestyle, the results of EMSCULPT NEO can be long-lasting. The muscle gains and fat loss contribute to a more stable and enduring physique. 

Comfortable Treatment Experience

EMSCULPT NEO treatments are generally comfortable, with most patients reporting a feeling similar to an intensive workout. The absence of discomfort during sessions makes it a highly tolerable treatment.

Suitable for a Wide Range of Patients

EMSCULPT NEO is versatile enough to benefit a broad demographic, including those closer to their ideal body weight but looking for muscle toning and fat reduction. It’s this inclusivity that broadens its appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions About EMSCULPT NEO

How Long Does Each EMSCULPT NEO Session Last?

Each EMSCULPT NEO session is designed for efficiency and effectiveness and lasts approximately 30 minutes. This duration allows for a thorough treatment that fits easily into a busy schedule, making it convenient for virtually anyone.

How Many Sessions Are Recommended for Optimal Results?

The recommended number of EMSCULPT NEO sessions varies based on individual goals and starting points. Typically, a series of four sessions, scheduled two to three days apart, is suggested to achieve optimal results. However, a personalized consultation with us can provide a tailored plan to meet your needs.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for EMSCULPT NEO?

Ideal candidates for EMSCULPT NEO are individuals close to their desired weight but struggling with areas of stubborn fat that resist diet and exercise. It’s perfect for those seeking to refine and tone their physique, not as a primary weight-loss method. Individuals should have realistic expectations about the results and be in good general health.

How Quickly Will I See Results From EMSCULPT NEO?

Results from EMSCULPT NEO can be observed as early as a few weeks after the first session, with the most significant improvements typically seen two to four weeks after the final session. As the body continues eliminating the treated fat cells and muscles grow, results will improve for several weeks.

How Long Do the Results of EMSCULPT NEO Last?

The results of EMSCULPT NEO can be long-lasting with proper maintenance. Following a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help prolong the effects of the treatment. Muscle gains and fat reduction achieved with EMSCULPT NEO can endure, provided you maintain a stable weight and fitness level.

Discover the EMSCULPT NEO Difference in Willoughby Hills & Cleveland, OH

At Aesthetic Essentials, we are dedicated to providing innovative and effective aesthetic treatments for our patients in Willoughby Hills and Cleveland, OH. With EMSCULPT NEO, we offer a premier solution for sculpting and refining your physique, combining fat reduction and muscle enhancement in a way that traditional methods cannot match. Take the first step toward a more sculpted you by booking a consultation today. Contact us online or call us at (440) 278-4440, and let us help you unlock the potential of EMSCULPT NEO.